
Welcome to my ATC blog . Enjoy.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome to Winking Moon Blog

I do hope you all enjoy your self here.
I am new at ATC cards. So as I am learning.  
Thank you for stopping in.
Winking Moon.


  1. Well Trish I think you have done brilliant, I only know the basics, so sorry I am not much good at helping but I don't think you will need help you have done great on your own.
    Love your ATC's by the way

  2. Welcome to Blogland, Trish!! Look forward to seeing your work. Cath x

  3. Well Trish arn't we the tidy one, wait till you get addicted to stamps, you will soon run out of room

  4. What a nice little setup you have going! What notpat said is true. Once you start collecting more supplies and tools and eqipment and storage...all that lovely space will go POOF!!!

    I suggest if there is a technique you want to learn, that you try to find you tube video entries on it. They have almost anything you can think of!


  5. Cat here from ATCS group. What a nice place to create your art. Your ATCs are super and imaginative....I need to get some done first to swap with you. I am sort of short on time right now so will come back later to consider swapping. hugs Cat.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hay! my bff I love it you are so crafty great job!!
